Right to Education Act (2009) (RTE) and the central government policy of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) makes it mandatory for all schools to take in children with disabilities. However, teachers and other professionals are not trained in inclusive education and feel powerless when faced with disabilities in their classes.
To address the above gap, SSET is offering a sensitization and awareness training program for teachers of regular schools. The module is for 4 days. The aim is to increase capacity of the teachers to include children with disabilities in mainstream classrooms and to promote the attitude of celebrating diversity. It trains the teachers to look at developing a rights-based approach to the empowerment of disabled people in India.
It covers ideology of inclusion, introduction to various disabilities and teaching strategies, support systems needed for inclusion like therapeutic inputs and enhancing reflective thinking to aid inclusion. The resource persons are experts in the field of special education, inclusion, therapy and psychology.